Get to Know Some of our Makers!
We have almost 2oo small businesses in our store and each one of them has their own story. Watch the videos below to get a glimpse of what makes some of these small businesses come to life.
List of our Makers
1 in 6 snacks www.1in6snacks.com
1888 Mills www.1888mills.com/shop-our-products
1949 Nut Company www.1949nut.com
A Brand and a Cord
Allison Cole Jewelry www.allisoncolejewelry.com
Alice and Pearl www.aliceandpearl.com
Amanda Klein www.amandakleinco.com
Amano Studio www.amanostudiojewelry.com
Amber Zander
American Trench www.americantrench.com
Andy Price
Anita Nifong-Rash
AnnaBelle Noel Designs
Anthro Apothecary www.anthroapothecary.com
Aspen Mulling Spices www.aspenspices.com
Aster Clay Co.
Atlantic Beach Sea Salt Company www.wemakeityoushakeit.com
Attic Journals www.atticjournals.com
Austin Hill: Author
B&D Spice Tea
Backyard Safari Company
Baldwin Toy Company
Barbara Plott
Batter and Bowl
Be Your Own Fish
Beads N Clay
Betsy Jane Studios www.betsyjanestudio.com
Big Dipper Wax Works
Billy's Slappin' Sauce
Birdwell Pottery
Bissinger Chocolate
Blanchard and Co www.blanchardstreats.com
Blue Heron Bead
Blue Jean Boutique www.bluejeanboutiquenc.com
Blue Ridge Mountain Gifts
Blythe Leonard LLC www.blytheleonard.com
Blythe Leonard Scholarship
Boutique Monogram www.boutiquemonogram.com
Brenda Varner
Brenda Buciorelli
Brown Dog Hosiery www.browndoghosiery.com
Brittney Carbonne
Buds Beard Grooming
Cabin Fever Soap
Camel City Glass www.camelcityglass.com
Cape Cod Home Remedies www.capecodhomeremedies.com
Capital Candy Jar www.capitalcandyjar.com
Cappy Trails
Caprice Art
Carin Hiott
Carolina Grain Co www.carolinagrainco.com
Carolina Nectar Co www.carolinanectarco.com
Cassie Overcash
Cathy Henriksen Art
Ceclia Rose Book Art
Century Farm Crosses
Charles Hepler
Cheri Bowman
Clocks Rockers and More
Coin of Life Photography
Cole Johnson www.colejohnsonglass.com
Color Your World Designs
Cooke Tavern Soups www.cooketavernsoups.com
Crafty Pantry www.craftypantry.com
Creations of Monica
Daisy Mae Designs
Dana Holliday www.danaholliday.com
Dance Happy Designs www.dancehappydesigns.com
David Yemm Photography www.yemmphotography.com
Debbie Carlislie
Designocracy USA
Desmond Brown
Donna Haerlik Crochet Village
Doreen Marr
Doscher's Candy
East Shore Specialty Foods
EB Signz
Ed Ingle
Elaine Hicks
Emily Paige Co.
Epically Embroidered www.epicallyembroidered.com
Eric and Christopher
Evan Edwards
Fairest of Mouse
Flutter Gallery
Fly Young Studio www.heatherlyoung.com
Gerald Smith Woodworking
Gerald Yow
Glen Miller
Good Stuff Peanut Butter
Handmade by Patty
Heritage and Bloom www.heritageandbloom.com
Heritage Food Company
Heritage Puzzles
Hill Spinning Mill
Hold Supply
Homestyle Charlie
HotLine Pepper Products
House of Morgan Pewter
Hull Street Studio
Hunters Reserve www.huntersreserve.com
J&K Beef Jerky
Jacobs Musical Chimes www.jacobschimes.com
Jan Will
Jane Leonard
Janet Gwen www.janetgwen.com
Janet Wallace
Jennifer Ann www.jenniferannstyle.com
Jim Little
Joan Pitts
Joy Greene www.joytime.org
Judy Sink
Julias Pantry www.juliaspantry.com
Karen Allen
Keith McManus Sawbuck Designs
Kelleen Kreations www.etsy.com/shop/KelleenKreations
Kelly and Company www.kellyaromatherapy.com
Kim Hovell Art
Kiss Me in the Garden www.kissmeinthegarden.com
Knuckle Nobility
Kayara Scott
Little Man www.etsy.com/shop/littlemanoriginals
Little Salty Rope
Loraye Hughes
Lucy's Toys
Luxury Therapeutics www.luxurytherapeutics.com
Magnum Solace
Maine Crisps
Made Here New York www.madeherenewyork.com
Manning the Wheel Pottery
Marcell Mrsan www.marcellmrsan.com
Maria Shute
Marie Carmichael
Mark Hill
Mark Little
Marmi Designs www.etsy.com/shop/marmidesigns
Mary Anne Young Cheese Wafers
McMasters www.hawgsauce.com
Midnight Falcon Jewelry
Mike Johnson
Milk and Honey www.milkandhoney.com
Mill Works www.millwoodart.com
Missy From Minnesota www.etsy.com/shop/missyfromminnesota
Mod Miss Jewelry www.themodmiss.com
Modern Burlap
Modern Concrete
Molly and You
Mr. Bird
Mud and Maker
Neal Kennedy
North to South Designs www.northtosouthdesigns.com
Nuture by Nature www.nurturebynaturenc.com
Oakpo Paper Company
Oana Beffort
Oily Blends www.oilyblendsllc.com
Old North State Candy Company www.chesebrosconfections.com
Old School Brand www.oldschool.com
Old Town Soap Co www.oldtownsoapco.com
Olita www.olitashop.com
Only Footprints
Organic Baby Goods
Otis Farmer
Pam Hull
Paper Rehab
Pat Harvey
Peggys Crafts and Gifts
Pen and Pillar www.penandpillar.com
Pillow Sak www.pillowsak.com
Port and Starbird
Positively Simple Products www.positivelysimpleproducts.com
Prentice Weldon
Prodigal Pottery www.prodigalpottery.com
Red Pig Garden Tools www.redpigtools.com
Resin8 Art www.resin8artsavannah.com
Richard Mainville
Robert Dilorenzo
Russell Fox
Salty Dog www.saltydogcreationsnc.com
Shady Acres Farm
Simply Ozark www.simplyozark.com
Sister Bees LLC
Skinny Mix www.skinnymixes.com
Small Batch Boutique www.smallbatchboutique.com
Small Blessings Designs
SnS Dips
Soap and Paper Factory www.soapandpaperfactory.com
Sparrows Nest
Spice and Tea Exchange
Statedwoods Co
Steven Russell
Studio Outback
Sweet Nanny Goat Soap www.sweetnannygoatsoap.com
Sweet Little Blessings
Tammy McDowell
Taylor Bee Farm Honey
Terry Gayner
The Bird and the Elephant www.etsy.com/shop/thebirdandelephant
The Casual Bookbinder
The Cultura Collection
The Great American Pancake Company
The Grecian Soap Company www.greciansoap.com
The Lil Maker
The Nature Bin www.thenaturebin.com
The South Bend Chocolate Company www.sbchocolate.com
Tidal Bay Textiles www.etsy.com/shop/TidalBayTextiles
Tiny Toes Design www.tinytoesdesign.com
Tom Dorsheimer
Trail Toddy and Co.
Tybee Island Hives
UniikPillows www.uniikpillows.com
Valentes www.valentepasta.com
Wayne Dick
Wellness by Ari www.wellnessbyari.com
Weslee Rose www.wesleerose.com
Wild Iris Crafts www.etsy.com/shop/WildIrisCrafts
Willow & Greene www.willowandgreene.co
Wishlets www.etsy.com/market/wishlets
Meet the Makers
Caprice Art
Cheri Bowman
Debbie Grubb
Designocracy USA
Jan Will
Jane Leonard
Loraye Hughes
Lyza Royal
Mark Little
Mike Johnson
Pat Harvey
Prentice Weldon
Sabrina Harmon
Bath and Spa
Buds Beard Grooming
The Cultura Collection
Shady Acres Farm
Baby and Children
Fairest of Mouse
Fiber Arts
Brenda Varner
Color Your World Designs
Cottina Group LLC, Dye Locks, Hill Spinning Mill
Hag-a-needle Handmade Creations
Handmade by Patty
Joan Pitts
Marie Carmichael
Sew Sweet Gigi
Aster Clay Co.
Blue Heron Bead
Carin Hiott
Emma Rowbury
J&S Designs
Midnight Falcon Jewelry
Studio Outback
Home Goods
Be Your Own Fish
Maria Shute
Kitchen Goods
Paper Goods
Amber Zander
Birdwell Pottery
Cassie Overcash
Manning the Wheel Pottery
The Lil Maker
Specialty Foods
1949 Nut Company
Atlantic Beach Sea Salt Company
Heritage Food Company
Taylor Bee Farm Honey
Charles Hepler
Clocks Rockers and More
EB Signz
Ed Ingle
Gerald Smith Woodworking
Neal Kennedy
Robert Dilorenzo
Steven Russell
Richard Mainville
Terry Gayner